Can the land still be used for agriculture?


The land beneath the solar panels will remain available for use for sheep which can pass under the panels.

Is a solar farm noisy?

Once built, there is low-level noise from the inverters and transformers when the solar farm is producing energy. The location of these is carefully selected, in order to ensure that they are not located close to any dwellings. From the edge of the site, any noise generated will be less than other background noises such as traffic, wind etc.

How long do solar farms take to build?

Construction of a solar farm typically takes 12 months.

Will there be an increase in traffic?

During construction there will be some increase in traffic. A Construction Traffic Management Plan will be put in place, but disruption is expected to be minimal.


When a solar farm becomes operational, it will be monitored remotely, with 1-2 maintenance visits per month required on site in light goods vehicles (LGVs).

Will there be glare from solar panels?

Solar panels are equipped with anti-reflection coatings to maximize light absorption, enhancing their efficiency. While there can still be some glare, it is significantly less than that produced by normal glass. The design and placement of these panels takes into consideration the surrounding properties and landscape to minimize any potential visual impact. This careful planning ensures that the panels are both effective in energy capture and considerate of their environment.

What security measures will be used on site?

The solar farm will be enclosed by fencing, approx. 2m high and hedgerows in places. CCTV cameras will be in operation, directed internally within the site and will not monitor lands outside of the boundary to ensure they do not breach residents’ privacy.

Will the solar farm attract wildlife or insects?

Yes. Solar farms can provide a habitat for a variety of wildlife such as birds, butterflies and mammals, through biodiversity areas and hedgerow planting. The panels provide shade and shelter and the vegetation that is planted around the panels can attract insect and nurture the soil.

What happens to the land after the solar panels are no longer useful?

Solar panels have a lifespan of about 40 years. After that they can be recycled and the land can be returned to its original use. There are several companies that specialise in recycling solar equipment and they can extract valuable materials such as silicon and aluminium from the panels. A detailed restoration/decommissioning plan is submitted within each planning application for local council approval.

Will it devalue my property?


Research funded by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) examined studies on property prices in the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany, where ground-mounted solar PV systems are more prevalent than in Ireland. The review did not find any studies concluding that proximity to ground-mounted solar farms negatively affects property prices.


This report states: “Having undertaken a comprehensive desk review, this research has identified no studies from the case study countries which indicate that proximity to USSPV negatively impacts on property prices”.


This PDF report from SEAI is linked below.

In addition to this study, there are a number of An Bord Pleanála (ABP) Inspector’s reports which have not found any evidence of property devaluation as a result of solar array development when assessing residential amenity.